Aiden is very fortunate to have fabulous relatives both near and far. We try to visit with his Grandma and Grandpa and his Grandpa Doc (when he's in town) at least once a week but sometimes life gets in the way and we don't get to see everyone as much as we'd like. Aiden also has a Granny who lives in Scotland (who is arriving tomorrow!), an Auntie in London and an Uncle, Auntie and Cousins in California that he rarely gets to see. So
Aiden is at the stage where he is a bit weary of people he doesn't know or doesn't see on a regular basis and with the holidays coming up and family coming into town we want to prepare Aiden for strange family faces as much as possible. Enter family photo flash cards.
Family Photo Flash Cards
1. Find or take digital pictures of important family members or other people you want your little person to remember. Be sure to include photos of Mom and Dad and your little person. You can even include photos of your little person's lovey, like Aiden's monkey.
2. Shrink them to index card size.
3. Print the photos out on paper or card stock.
4. Cut the photos out and laminate them.
5. Stack the photos and punch a hole through the top left corner. Secure the stack with a binder ring.
6. Go through the stack of pictures with your little person during the day naming each person or asking your little person who the photo is. You can also play a memory game with the cards: Lay the cards out on the floor face down. Ask your little person to find a relative. Then they will turn over the cards until they find the relative. Repeat until you have gone through all the cards.
The Review
Aiden loves his stack, so much so that he asks to see "Papa" or "Dada" periodically throughout the day. He also laughs like crazy when we get to the picture of his monkey bombing our photo. And in terms of recognizing family and being comfortable with them when he hasn't seen them for awhile, so far so good, but I guess the real test will be when he sees Granny tomorrow for the first time since May.
Happy flashing,
Creatively yours,
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