Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Substitute Gym

Aside from freezing fingers and cold toes, the main reason why I strongly dislike cold weather is because I can't go outside to play/exercise with Aiden. One of my favorite things to do with Aiden is to go for a walk or a run through the playground, but alas, no more as the temperatures have drop into the minuses with a nasty wind-chill factor. And one of the reasons I like being outside with Aiden is that it gives us the chance to exercise.

I should explain one thing, before I became Aiden's Mom, I was addicted to the gym. I was lucky enough to work in a place that had a magnificent gym so most days I'd go on my lunch break and after work for two workouts a day. But since having Aiden I seem to not have enough time in the day to do the laundry or keep the house neat and tidy let alone make it to the gym, so I substituted my gym time with walks and runs and play time outdoors.

However, now that the weather has turned I need to come up with ways to exercise indoors while entertaining my little man. Here's a list of things I've come up with so far:

Indoor Non-Gym Workout Activities
1. Turn on the radio or iPod or stereo to some upbeat dance music and have a 15 minute dance party. Do this 4 times throughout the day and you've clocked in an hour cardio session.
2. Run up and down the stairs while carrying your little person.
3. Do crunches and pelvic tilts while your little person sits on you for extra resistance. You can teach your little one counting and numbers at the same time.
4. Play rocket ships with your little person: Do a count up (1, 2, 3, blast off) and lift them up into the air above your head. Do this 10 or 12 times and you've got a killer arm workout.
5. Play giant tag with your little person: Be a giant by taking wide, lunging steps. Chase your little one around the house for a fabulous lower body workout.
6. Play jumping frogs with your little one: Squat down low and jump up like a frog. Do this 10-12 times and you've down a set of squats.
7. Set up an indoor obstacle course using chairs and tunnels and hoops and balls and whatever equipment. (child-friendly of course) that you have lying around. Do the obstacle course with your little person for a quick cardio session.
8. Take your little one carpet tobogganing: Place a rug on a hard wood or laminate floor. Put your little one on the rug and pull them around the house. Not only is this super fun for your little person but you also get a great total body workout.
9. Get a video game like Dance Workout 3 (just got it for my bday) or NFL training camp. Stick it in the game player and do the game with your little person. Aiden loves the Dance Workout game so much that when we go into the living room he brings me the wii-mote and starts singing "oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh" from the California Girls song, and as soon as I put the game on his face lights up as he starts to dance along with the game.
10. Go on a parade around the house with your little one. Using a drum or shakers or some kind of instrument march around the house to the beat of your music. Change the tempo for some great interval training.

Happy exercising,
Creatively yours,
Maya :)

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