Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Thank You Letter to Santa

This morning Aiden, Aiden's Dad and I watched part of the Phineas and Ferb Christmas Special. In this special Phin and Ferb decided to make a rest stop for Santa as a thank you present. Phineas and Ferb also asked their friends if they had ever written a thank you letter to Santa, to which their friends replied with a sheepish no. So I ask you, why don't we do that? And why don't we make this part of our Christmas traditions? If we want our little people to grow up to be thoughtful, caring citizens of the world I think we should encourage our little ones to do this...I will definitely be doing this with Aiden. And to get the ball rolling, here is my thank you letter to Santa:

Dear Santa,
I know you are extremely busy today with all the present delivering and the cookie and milk eating, but I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for everything that you have given me this past year.

Thank you for my beautiful, sweet, lovely, smart, thoughtful little guy (he is the only gift I will ever need) and for my equally beautiful, sweet, smart, thoughtful bigger guy (again, I don't need anymore gifts than these two!). And thank you for arranging things so that I can stay at home with my aforementioned little guy. I am truly blessed that I have the opportunity to watch him explore the world and go on amazingly fun adventures with him every day.

Thank you for my family and my friends. They are a wonderful group of people and I am so very lucky to have them in my life.

And thank you for the gifts that I'll be opening tomorrow. I'm sure I will be very pleasantly surprised!

I wish you the absolute best for your travels today. Please give my regards to Mrs. Claus, all the Elves and the reindeer crew who make it all possible.

Happy travels,
Creatively yours,
Maya :)

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