Thursday, December 29, 2011

You Know You Are An Anderson When...

Every year at Christmas time we are fortunate to receive a Christmas-baking care package from Aiden's Great-Grandma. The care package usually consists of oodles of yummy goodness like shortbread cookies, Quality Street chocolates, banana bread, beet pickles and the best butter tarts known to man.

The other day, when we were digging into our goodies, I offered Aiden some of my butter tart. Not surprisingly he loved it. Upon his devouring of the butter tart I said to him, "Aiden, you know you are an Anderson when you love butter-tarts!" And this got me thinking about a project we could do together: The Book of Anderson.

Here's how I envision the project:

Digital camera
Various art supplies
Construction paper
Clear plastic sheet protectors

1. With you little person, make a list of 15-20 things that are unique to your family. These could be things like family traditions, food that you all like, activities that you enjoy together or books that you read at bedtime.
2. Spend some time finding or taking or drawing pictures to illustrate each thing on your list.
3. Cut out the pictures and stick then to blank sheets of paper. Somewhere on the page write: You know you're a INSERT FAMILY NAME HERE when... And then somewhere on the page write down the item on your list.
4. Decorate each page with your little person using your art supplies.
5. When the pages are complete put them in the clear plastic sheet protectors and then in the binder.
6. Be sure to create a title page for your book.

Read the book with your little person as often as you like and add to the book whenever you discover something new that's unique about your family.

This would also be a fabulous project to do with a little one who is soon to be a big brother or sister. They will feel very important and special knowing that they are the ones who get to teach their younger sibling all about their family.

Happy book making,
Creatively yours,
Maya :)

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